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Principal's Message

Patricia Diaz Arroyo, M.Ed.: Washington Elementary Principal

It is an honor to be a part of the Washington learning community. Washington is a place where teachers and staff work collaboratively to meet all the individualized academic needs of our students. Our goal is to have your child reach a standard of excellence by maximizing their academic potential. Thank you for sharing your children; they are truly a gift to us.

One of our goals at Washington is to serve and nurture all our students. This begins with our TK and Kindergarten classrooms. We are committed to making every year an exceptional experience for all students. Our teachers work together interdependently in order to impact their practice in ways that would lead to better results for students, teams, and our school.

Our goal is for teachers to engage in professional learning communities to discuss essential student learning needs, create instructional learning plans, develop assessments, analyze scores and set achievement goals for students. We focus on ensuring that our students receive the best instruction from an action oriented team of teachers.

Your child's elementary school years are a special time in his or her life. During this time children undergo important developmental changes. It is my belief that parents are the first teachers of their children and they play a central role in their child's education. I invite you to participate in open, honest and continuous communication with your child's teachers to ensure a successful home-school partnership. I encourage you to tell our teachers about your child's needs throughout the year so that he or she has "THE BEST" educational experience.

As principal, it is important for me that my staff, parents and students become partners in this journey that we have embarked upon. It is essential that all of us come to school every day happy and ready to give it our best. A positive attitude will enable us to become problem solvers in a safe, respectful, responsible and fun nurturing environment.